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Claudia Velazquez
Feb 23, 20245 min read
Women writing for a change: Andrea González, the voice behind Bodies of Sand
In this post series, we've been sharing many details about our saga, Bodies of Sand, but not about who is behind them. We think it is...
Andrea Gonzalez
Feb 19, 20242 min read
Xalli: the Aztec soil of the death
Word of the week: xalli (sand in Náhuatl) Xalli is the Nahuatl word for sand. "Xalli iteuhyan," or spread the sand in Nahuatl, was a...
Claudia Velazquez
Feb 14, 20243 min read
Welcome to Kawtizin, a magical Latin American city
-Hey, you, have you heard of a place called Kawitzin? -Come along, sit with me, I’ll tell you about it, but be patient, because it’s a...
Claudia Velazquez
Feb 12, 20242 min read
The muuk' of resistance and the persistence of Mayan language
Word of the week: muuk' (resistance in Mayan) Muuk' is a Mayan word for strength or force. Habitants of Yucatán hear Mayan words in a...
Claudia Velazquez
Feb 7, 20246 min read
Working with sand: Bodies of sand creative process foundations
Bodies of Sand: Where Days Repeat Endlessly, initially named "The Butterfly Valley," is our second production, and it has been such a...
Claudia Velazquez
Jan 29, 20243 min read
Whispers from the sand, a glimpse through the indigenous languages of the Americas
“The ways in which we can incorporate the languages of the world are multiple and they enrich us, they make us understand that all of...
Jan 26, 20245 min read
If you sing in the Rain, you will get sick
That was the phrase my father used to say when he called me Yulinka. He would say it every time he heard me singing the main song of the...
Claudia Velazquez
Jan 24, 20244 min read
Bodies of Sand, the hourglass starts running
In creation myths, legends, and stories, there are plenty of versions of how we –the humans- were built; the materials chosen for our...
Don't miss out this fantastic story
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